Our Sustainability Services

We source maize grain from smallholder farmers in the Rwenzori Sub region, store and process it into maize flour of different types which include maize fine flour and ordinary maize flour. We then sell the processed flour to our customers who include refugee camps, prisons, schools, wholesale businesses, retail businesses among others. Maize waste is sold to animal and poultry farmers that use it to make feeds for their animals and birds.

We also provide a milling service to smallholder farmers where we charge them a fee for the service. These farmers are not interested in selling their grain to us but would rather come to the business to get a milling service.

We also produce and teach our farmers to produce high quality vermin compost using earthworms and organic waste. They can he apply the compost on their gardens to improve soil health for organic and sustainable farming. This intervention helps farmers to sustainably produce maize grain which guarantees our food security in many parts of the country, preserves our farm lands and the biodiversity that thrive in them but most importantly increase the incomes of small holder farmers there by giving them capacity to thrive in their communities.

We provide soft loans to our farmers for post-harvest management activities. Most of the farmers have spent all their monies to grow the grain and by harvest time, they do not have enough money to harvest, dry and/or transport their grain to markets. Our post-harvest loan facilities enable them to sail through the post-harvest period.

"A green row celery field is watered and sprayed by irrigation equipment in the Salinas Valley, California USA"


Solar powered irrigation equipment.

We supply solar powered irrigation equipment to farmers across the country. With the implementation of a high-quality solar irrigation system, farmers can transcend the limitations of relying solely on the biannual rain seasons and enjoy year-round farming yields. We are proud to provide this solution, revolutionizing agricultural productivity on farm lands for the farmers we work with.

Relief supplies.

With government and humanitarian organizations, we supply relief items to people in need, especially during disasters. These supplies include clothing, and personal care items, tarpaulin, mosquito nets, Batteries, disinfectants, disinfectant alcohol, filtering or disposable masks, baby powder, rubber gloves, baby pacifiers, and bottles for infants

Farm inputs

High farm productivity is essential for food security. However, farmers cannot maximize food production due to low quality seeds, poor soil health, poor agricultural practices and lack of agricultural equipment. We supply agricultural inputs such as seeds and seedlings, fertilizers, agro-chemicals agricultural equipment and fuel, tractors, agricultural tools (cultivators, levelers, irrigation, pump sets, motors, sheds among others) for farm practices, maximum productivity and environmental sustainability.