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We add value to maize grain for human consumption to scale up high-impact nutrition and reduce national micronutrient deficiency.
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We provide soft loans to our farmers for post-harvest management activities
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We provide a milling service to smallholder farmers
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We supply solar powered irrigation equipment to farmers across the country



We source maize grain from smallholder farmers in the Rwenzori Sub region, store and process it into maize flour of different types which include maize fine flour and ordinary maize flour. We then sell the processed flour to our customers who include refugee camps, prisons, schools, wholesale businesses, retail businesses among others. Maize waste is sold to animal and poultry farmers that use it to make feeds for their animals and birds.

We also provide a milling service to smallholder farmers where we charge them a fee for the service. These farmers are not interested in selling their grain to us but would rather come to the business to get a milling service.


We also produce and teach our farmers to produce high quality vermin compost using earthworms and organic waste. They can he apply the compost on their gardens to improve soil health for organic and sustainable farming. This intervention helps farmers to sustainably produce maize grain which guarantees our food security in many parts of the country, preserves our farm lands and the biodiversity that thrive in them but most importantly increase the incomes of small holder farmers there by giving them capacity to thrive in their communities.

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We provide soft loans to our farmers for post-harvest management activities. Most of the farmers have spent all their monies to grow the grain and by harvest time, they do not have enough money to harvest, dry and/or transport their grain to markets. Our post-harvest loan facilities enable them to sail through the post-harvest period.

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We supply solar powered irrigation equipment to farmers across the country. With the implementation of a high-quality solar irrigation system, farmers can transcend the limitations of relying solely on the biannual rain seasons and enjoy year-round farming yields. We are proud to provide this solution, revolutionizing agricultural productivity on farm lands for the farmers we work with

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Solar powered irrigation equipment.

Relief supplies, With government and humanitarian organizations to people in need.

High Quality Farm inputs for the Farmer Households.

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Undernutrition threatens to destroy a generation of children and young adults in Uganda. More than one third of all young children in Uganda – 2.4 million – are stunted. Between 2013 and 2015, more than 250,000 young Ugandans died of undernutrition.

2012 study conducted by UNICEF

Undernutrition is responsible for four in 10 deaths of children under five. The 2012 study conducted by UNICEF projected the cost of undernutrition and the health cost of children’s undernutrition-related illnesses in Uganda to be more than 1.8 trillion UGX, an equivalent of 5.6 per cent of the country’s GDP annually, most of which was used for treating undernutrition and associated illnesses. The study further revealed that those children who survived undernutrition had compromised cognitive and physical development and were at risk of illness, repeated childhood infections such as diarrhea and death. By fortifying our product- the addition of key vitamins and minerals such as iron, folic acid, iodine, vitamin A, and zinc to our maize flour, we improve its nutritional content and address nutritional gaps among Ugandans.

Farmer teachings

We produce and teach farmers to produce high quality vermin compost using earthworms and organic waste. Our venture helps reduce waste, improve soil health, and create a sustainable farming practice for small- and large-scale farmers. By properly treating the organic waste, we reduce the environmental impact by avoiding greenhouse gas emissions from landfills and decreasing/avoiding the need for chemical fertilizer. During the vermicomposting process, the organic waste is converted into two valuable products: organic fertilizer and worm biomass which are used as an alternative protein source in animal feed which is used by poultry and animal farmers to improve their farm productivity and incomes consequently. y

Our intervention

Our intervention enhances food security and promotes environmental stewardship and community well-being. By providing and helping our farmers to produce organic manure, we sustainably increase productivity per square meter of farm land to guarantee not only more food for the populace but also more incomes for farmers, family hygiene and sanitation for their households.

Our Vermiculture intervention

Our Vermiculture intervention for has three products with economic importance: Solid manure, Liquid manure and Worms. Each dried solid manure packed in 10Kgs goes for $7 while a 5-liter jerry can of liquid manure from worms goes for $4. A kilogram of worms goes for $11. The potential economic gain using the vermicomposting treatment system could be a considerable contribution to the income of the farmers.

Donate Now to Make a Difference in Small Farmer Households and Improve on the Global Food Bank


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