Our Impact

Undernutrition is responsible for four in 10 deaths of children under five. The 2012 study conducted by UNICEF projected the cost of undernutrition and the health cost of children’s undernutrition-related illnesses in Uganda to be more than 1.8 trillion UGX, an equivalent of 5.6 per cent of the country’s GDP annually, most of which was used for treating undernutrition and associated illnesses. The study further revealed that those children who survived undernutrition had compromised cognitive and physical development and were at risk of illness, repeated childhood infections such as diarrhea and death. By fortifying our product- the addition of key vitamins and minerals such as iron, folic acid, iodine, vitamin A, and zinc to our maize flour, we improve its nutritional content and address nutritional gaps among Ugandans.

We produce and teach farmers to produce high quality vermin compost using earthworms and organic waste. Our venture helps reduce waste, improve soil health, and create a sustainable farming practice for small- and large-scale farmers. By properly treating the organic waste, we reduce the environmental impact by avoiding greenhouse gas emissions from landfills and decreasing/avoiding the need for chemical fertilizer. During the vermicomposting process, the organic waste is converted into two valuable products: organic fertilizer and worm biomass which are used as an alternative protein source in animal feed which is used by poultry and animal farmers to improve their farm productivity and incomes consequently.

Our intervention enhances food security and promotes environmental stewardship and community well-being. By providing and helping our farmers to produce organic manure, we sustainably increase productivity per square meter of farm land to guarantee not only more food for the populace but also more incomes for farmers, family hygiene and sanitation for their households.